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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cutting Your Energy Costs With New Windows

Cutting Your Energy Costs With New Windows

It seems the cost of heating or cooling your home is starting to get rather expensive. One sure fire way to help cut the cost down somewhat is to replace your existing windows with new, more energy efficient ones. But the lurking question remains, what types are out there and which one is the best for my home? Sit back, relax, and hold on for a ride through the new window tour.

First there is toughened glass. This type is also known a tempered glass. This window type is created by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its overall strength and durability. If this window does break it will shatter into small fragments similar to a broken car window. This type also greatly enhances thermal resistance. Major uses for this type of glass are in ovens and baking apparatus as well as automotive applications.

Next we have laminated glass. This type is also known as safety glass and will not shatter when broke. It will hold its form. It is made up of an interlayer (two or more layers of glass). It is commonly used in skylight glazing and automotive windshields. It is also seen in exterior storefronts as well as curtain walls and windows. Multiple laminates and thicker glass is use for bulletproof applications.

Next we have tinted glass. This is also known as window film. The advantage to this type is it reduces heat and radiation from the sun. The film used is either dyed or metalized in order to convert incoming solar radiation into infrared radiation and then refracted back through the glass to the exterior. There is a trade off with this type of glass though. It can cost 10 - 15% more than regular glass but can reduce energy loss by30 - 50%.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to learn about all the different types of glass to fulfill different types of needs for your windows. We have the toughened glass in our home. I have never heard of the laminated glass, which seems like it is a lot more pliable. I would like to learn which one is best for a dry desert. auto glass


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